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Technology is not a choice,
but a fundamental business strategy.


Through Technology Understanding


Understand the potential of Salesforce and how to sucessfully implement it. 


Create a sustainable CRM and digital transformation strategy.


Become the tech savvy leader your company needs in order to grow. 


Vyaa is derived from the Hindi word vyaavahaarik व्यावहारिक which means practical or pragmatic. In my work I follow a very pragmatic approach, focusing my energy on actionable solutions, sustainable trainings and simply being an honest advisor.

I believe simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

Software must be easy to use. Processes should support and not complicate, trainings should be easy to understand and retain and action items easy to follow. This requires a lot of complex, sophisticated planning and solution design in the background. Whatever your company’s vision for the future, it must include digital transformation and technology in order to grow. I am here to be your partner in this ever-advancing technology world. 

Malika Desai, founder of Vyaa.

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