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Hello, I am Malika Desai, founder of Vyaa.


As a trusted and unbiased advisor, I provide more than eight years of experience in Salesforce implementations, digital transformation projects and technical trainings.

First, I was working for the startup and Salesforce product partner Vlocity, which since 2020 is a part of Salesforce’s industry-specific offerings.

Deloitte Digital was my next chapter for the subsequent five years, where I delivered a variety of consulting projects within a broad industry spectrum.

Next to being part of the rise of Salesforce in Germany, I also had the valuable chance to work in Australia and the US. Here digitalisation and Salesforce implementations are more mature. Therefore, I can offer guidance, best practices and inspiration for future advancements in Europe.

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I believe fundamental honesty is the keystone of business.

~ Harvey S. Firestone

Vision & Values

To be honest and trustworthy advisors. 

To build and foster an environment that enables people to grow personally and professionally.

To bring inspiration and technical understanding to all leaders.


Always be honest

Always be learning

Build trust with transparency

Have backbone; disagree and commit
Act like an owner

Value ideas over hierarchy

Be mindful and show respect​

Sounds good? Feel free to join me in my vision! Send an email to


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